12 Free Natural Anxiety Remedies

There are great natural anxiety remedies, but you can not always rely on them when out in public.

It’s five minutes before the big presentation, the dream job interview, or some other potentially life-changing opportunity.

There are other long-term solutions to aid in living a less-stressful life, but we need a quick stress relief solution now.

Below are practices that can be done in less than five minutes and with no prior planning ahead. The best part is these are all free natural anxiety remedies

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Free Natural Anxiety Remedies

1. Exercise

Take a quick walk or do some light stretches. Studies show stretching reduces the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol while also increasing endorphins. Helping you feel higher levels of relaxation and optimism. An important boost that could be used right before a stressful event.

2. Write it Down

Write down what is stressing you on paper or your phone. The act of writing forces your thoughts to focus on a specific cause. Helping focus your thoughts and isolate the stressor. You could also write down what you are grateful for, forcing your mind to focus on the positives in your life.

Check out this guide on how to keep a gratitude journal to reduce stress for the future.

3. Breathing Exercises

The University of Michigan found that deep breathing signals to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Leading to a reduced heart rate, breathing, and a reduction in blood pressure. To do this breathing, breath in and out deep breaths. Try the 4-7-8 method, breath in for four seconds, hold for seven, and breath out for eight. Repeat 3 to 7 times or until you feel calm.

4. Step Back

if you have the time, isolate what you are feeling. What is causing the stress? See it in the big picture. Is this the end of the world? Place it in the context of your life. The stressor is just one event on a bigger journey. It is all a learning experience anyway.

Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

5. Think of a Cherished Memory

Help Guide recommends you to think of a time where you were relaxed and happy. What were you feeling then, and what senses can you activate about that memory? What did the situation look like, how did it smell, or how did it taste? Picture yourself there and feel the calming effects.

6. Connect with others:

Mayo clinic recommends that before the event can you catch-up with someone? Making small talk with people can lower stress levels and increase happiness. Plus, it can loosen you up before you head on out to tackle the situation. Even if all you can talk to is a stranger like the secretary or an employee, they will naturally help you relax. Small talk is one of the great natural anxiety remedies!

7. Find some alone time

Or do the opposite of the above. If it has been a hectic day, find some alone time. Re-center and refocus on what you have to do.

8. Relax the Body

Try progressive body relaxation. Notice the tension in your feet and breath away from the tension. Do the same with your ankles. Slowly move up your body, relieving the tension along the way.

when you have more time, check out these 7 meditation techniques to help you feel calm more often!

9. Think of Past Success

when have you been in a similar situation? Remember how anxious you felt before, and then how great it felt to conquer the challenge. Use that as motivation and proof you have succeeded before.

10. Visualize Success

You don’t need a positive visualization board for this one. Focus on how you are prepared and are ready for whatever challenge is causing you anxiety. See yourself going through the process in the way you have prepared and see yourself succeeding at the end.

Photo by Jan Baborák on Unsplash

11. Remember to Enjoy it and don’t take it too Seriously

Taking life too seriously can erode the enjoyment of this challenge. It can also cause you to put too much pressure on yourself and miss the great opportunity you are being presented with. One of the best natural anxiety remedies is to remind yourself to enjoy this moment.

12. Bonus

this one requires some preparation. Bring some chewing gum or peppermints with you. Chew them when you start to get anxious. Studies have found that chewing gum can lower levels of stress and anxiety.

Main Take-Aways:

  • Quickly reducing stress can be done by either relaxing the body or by relaxing the mind. Either way has benefits and can lead to stronger performance.

Action items

Write down a mix of these methods. When faced with a stressful situation, try one of the techniques. See how it helped, continue with the others. See what helps you more, physical relaxation or mental relaxation, it might even be a mix of both!


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