Continuous Personal Development

The Mobius Strip blog is the comprehensive guide to help you create your ideal life.

"Everyone wants to grow. The goal is to make the journey enjoyable and fruitful."
torgler photo
Joe Torgler

What We Focus On

a comprehensive life Guide,

An ideal life has to capture the entire human experience. We focus on the main six areas of life: 

  • Ambition
  • Perspective
  • Well-Being
  • Wealth
  • Connection
  • Reflection

Excelling in each of these will lead to a balanced, fulfilling, and joyful life. 

explore the categories below

Actionable insights,

Knowledge without action doesn’t help you develop. To encourage growth, we provide practical action items at the end of every article to help get you to where you want to be.

& fun along the way!

Personal Development shouldn’t be boring. We believe investing in yourself is the most important investment you’ll make. We will be your friend along the way to help to make the journey fun!

Explore the Life Guide


Your life's work. Insight on how to achieve your dream career, start your dream projects, and work more effectively.


Your mindset. Healthy, productive, and gentler ways to see the world and your life.


Your health. We do not believe in sacrificing your Well-Being for goal attainment. These articles focus on how to improve your mental, emotional, and physical well being while continuing working on achieving your ideal lifestyle.


Your money and time. Discover an overview of personal finances, how to use your money to have a better life, and tips on achieving your ideal financial goals.


Your relationships. Insight on how to make, keep, and cultivate your professional, and personal relationships.


Your realignment. To achieve your ideal life, sometimes it takes stepping back to reflect on yourself, your current progress, and the life you really want.

Receive a free Goal Worksheet

The goal sheet will help you figure out what your ideal life looks like by breaking things down in an easily digestible, step-by-step workbook. Sign up for the email list and receive it now!