“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
Henry David Thoreau
To create a unique bucket list, it requires some introspection. What do you want to do? This question does not have to be just a list of things to do before kicking the bucket. A bucket list also does not have to be just to look for far-flung ideas of the future. Bucket lists can also be a list of goals to have done before a certain age, a list of things to do with the kids before they go to college, or a list of skills to develop.
A unique bucket list requires some questions where you can reflect on every area of your life. It helps clarify where you want to go and what you want to do while getting there.
The bucket lists that I have found the most helpful revolve around every area of my life and come about from questioning what I would like to do with my life. Creating a bucket list this way is a fun exercise and can also be an easy way to parlay into lifestyle planning.

Ask yourself the below questions to get started on creating your unique bucket list.
Professional career
- What career path do you want to pursue? In the next year, three years, and in your lifetime?
- What industries would you like to work in?
- Do you want to win any specific awards or be recognized in a certain way in your industry or company?
- Are there any skills you want to develop in your care
- What skill do you want to get better at?
- What kind of office environment would you like to work in? Think from a small start-up to a massive Fortune 500 company.
- Do you want to join any specific professional organization?
- Do you want to pursue advanced education?
- If you could go to any school, where would you go? What would you study while there?
- If you could audit any class, what would you want to learn more about?
Side projects
- Do you want to create anything in your free time?
- What does your ideal project look like once it’s complete?
- How would you feel after completing your projects?
- Do you want to develop a side hustle?

- Do you want to have a big family?
- Do you want to get married?
- What characteristics does the ideal spouse have?
- Is there anything you would like to do with family or friends?
- Who would you most like to meet?
- Who would you most like to add to your professional network?

- Do you have any physical fitness goals?
- What is your favorite current hobby?
- What hobby has always interested you?
- If you could be an expert in any area right now, what would you pick?
- What hobby do you wish you started two years ago?
- If you could only travel to one place this year, where would you go? What three things would you do there?
- What sounds better, an action-packed adventure or a relaxing trip?
- If you could travel to any continent, where would you go? Which three cities would you most want to visit while there?

- When would you like to retire? What does retirement look like to you?
- What material item do you most want?
- What experiences do you want most?
- If you had a blank check, who would you spend the money on, and what would you do for them?
- What is something impractical you’ve been yearning for years?
- Is there something you’ve never done and would like to?
- What random skill do you want to develop?
Key Take-Aways
- Creating a unique bucket list involves planning out a little of your life. Seeing it this way can create a roadmap to help align your life to these goals.
- Bucket lists do not have to be just far-away wished goals. Bucket lists can be put down on paper and realistically achieved with a little hard work, goal-setting, planning, dedication, and some luck.
Action item
Pick one of the areas and make that bucket list today. Think about what you would like to do in the future in this area. Then, what can you do each day this week to make one of those goals become a reality? It might not happen in a week, but proactively working towards it can bring it closer.