After a long day, we know we should meditate, but sometimes it’s just too hard to sit on the ground and focus. It’s a time like this when meditating in bed is beneficial! We keep the practice going while also relaxing. Best of all, the mediation session here is designed to encourage great sleep!
Meditating in bed is 100% possible and a great mental relief after a long day. The trick is to get comfortable but not too comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Body Scan for Sleep (How to Meditate in Bed)
Start by lying on your back with the back of your head rested gently on your pillow. Rest your arms comfortably at your sides and allow your feet to fall away from each other.
To get in a relaxed mindset, take several slow, long breathes in and out. Feeling your stomach and chest rise and then deflate.
Now bring your attention to your feet. Where do you feel the tension? Can you release that tension a little? Maybe scrunch up your toes and the soles of your feet really tight and then release. If not, that is okay too, just notice.
Move to your ankle, feel those sensations, and breathe into your ankle to release tension if possible. Continue to move up the body in this way. Move from the legs, to the pelvis, to the stomach, to the arms, to the back, to the neck, and lastly to your face. Noticing feelings of tension and other sensations. Let the tension and negativity go along the way.
Spend a particular amount of time on your face. Unfurrow your brow, loosen your jaw, smile a little, and let all the tension in your face go.
Once you’ve worked your way all the way up to your body, tense your whole body. For 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then release. Feel the release in both your body and mind. Pull up the blanket, turn out the light, and drift into sleep.
Main Take-Aways
- Meditation does not have to feel like a chore, it can even be done in bed!
- Learning how to meditate in bed can be a great supplemental meditation practice.
Action item
Try this practice tonight and see how much easier you sleep!