Learning how to be happy every day is something that can greatly improve your life.
Studies show the benefits of daily joy include,
- Improved cardiovascular health. Lower blood pressure and heart rates
- Reduced risk of Stroke
- Stronger immune system
- Fewer pains when experiencing chronic illness
- Increased life expectancy
- Combat stress more effectively
- More and happier memories every day

Little Actions that can make each day Happier
1. Make Time for Yourself.
Set aside at least ten minutes a day to yourself where you can do what you want. Be it read, watch TV, or just decompress. It will help you feel like you have more control over your day.
2. Keep a Gratitude Journal.
Writing down just 3 things you are grateful for every day can help you realize all of the blessings in your life. Get started with your gratitude journal with this guide here!

3. Exercise
Studies show that exercising at least 20 minutes every day improves physical and mental health. It doesn’t take much to feel the effects of learning how to be happier every day!
4. Spend time outside
Getting natural light helps you feel more energized, sleep better, and make you feel happier.
5. Practice Mindfulness
When you experience something positive, be present, and savor the experience. Learn how to use the Broaden and Build Theory to enhance these positive emotions even more!

6. Spend time with others.
Humans are social creatures. By spending time with people daily, you will feel more grounded, and connected to those in your life.
7. Make time to work on your hobbies.
Set time aside weekly to focus on your hobbies so you can continue to develop the skills you want while enjoying a creative outlet. See this guide here on how to investigate new hobbies!

8. Track progress towards your goals.
Spend at least twenty minutes a day working on your long-term goals. Be it achieving financial independence, starting a side hustle, or working towards your dream job. Spending time working on your goals is a proven way to build towards learning how to be happy every day. Plus, your future self will thank you for it!
Main Take-aways
- A mix of exercising, working on your goals, and being present in the moment is a proven way to live authentically and build towards being happier every day.
Action item
Set time aside each day for the next week to follow the above practices. After the week, reflect on how your day to day life has improved.